My introduction to Multiculturalism came when I was in college during the mid 70's, in my Political Science class. I'd never heard of the concept before then but my reaction when it was presented to the class was one of, this will never work. I had grown up in the inner city of Chicago but had attended junior high and high school in the Christian school system of the Dutch Reformed community. Even then as a child I could see how different life was for my fellow Dutch students as compared to my life in the inner city ghetto.

The differences were a matter of culture. Fights weren't prevalent within the Dutch school system or the community outside of school. This was in stark contrast to the daily violence that I endured away from the Dutch community. I can recall times when out mother picked us up from out bus stop to drive us home and how we could see the Black students who attended the public school in our neighborhood fighting on the playground after school. There was also all of the broken windows of the public school whereas none of the windows at our Dutch Christian school were broken unless it was by accident. The Black students felt free to physically destroy their school building so the school windows were broken on a regular basis until metal screens were placed over them. And this made the school look like a prison but it was necessary to do.

So when I heard about multiculturalism in college I'd already had my own experience with multiculturalism in Chicago and I knew that not all cultures are the same. I commented to my professor that this would never work and that was when he brought up Canada.

I now live in Canada and I don't see multiculturalism working at all. What I see is that rather than us native Westerners changing the immigrants is that the immigrants are changing us and this happening all over the West. I can honestly see why Putin doesn't want Western liberal ideals to take root in Russia Federation.

What makes me very angry is that this experiment in shaping the West into being a mosaic is now being acknowledged, by its promoters, as being a failure but it does me no good because it can't be undone. What infuriates me even more is that they will not suffer one day in jail or a fine, for the damage they have done to a society that was better than it is now.

We now have to live with people who are hostile to us and some of whom would hunt us down if they could. And one day after their numbers increase even more, they just may do that.

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Yeah, I'm quite aware of the racist / nazi Liberals and NDPers, also. The woke brigade are a problem, but I'm more concerned about the terrorist funders and agitators. There aren't many members of Babbar Khalsa who don't wear turbans, or members of Hamas who don't wear the hijab or some such. Without these in Canada to stir up trouble, the woke would have to look for different fights.

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I think 'multiculturalism' is too broad a term for the problem. I have no problem with people coming to Canada and retaining their own religion, language, dress, cuisine, etc. - even living in enclaves of like-minded immigrants. The problem isn't multiculturalism in these respects; it is the rejection of fundamental Canadian / western values like free speech, non-violence, and non-discrimination. The government needs to screen immigrants more carefully, not along cultural lines but along the lines of fundamental values.

I could be wrong. Maybe Justin is right that poetry readings are all that is required to tame the savage heart.

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